February 2024
Dear Parents,
Living Word Bible Camp is busy preparing for 7 weeks of camps this coming summer.We’re hoping one of those weeks will include your child(ren), and can’t wait to see everyone!
Teen Week - June 9-14 [Teenagers in grades 8-10 who are NOT doing FIT]
FIT registrants may sign-on the Teen Week waitlist but only added if slots are available
Summer Camp: for those currently in grades 2-7 [Spring 2024]
Week 1 - June 16-21
Week 2 - June 23-28
Week 3 - July 7-12
Week 4 - July 14-19
Week 5 - July 21-26
Week 6 - July 28 - August 2
Fees: Our camp fee is still $75, which includes registration, large camp photo, bunk photo, & online camp video. Thanks to the generosity of our donors and volunteers, we make the camp affordable for ANY family, despite the fee not covering the actual costs of a week of camp. If your camper needs financial assistance, please send a request to registration@lwbcmn.org. Our donors have created a scholarship fund. We are so grateful to the Lord for providing through those who give generously! We've increased the quality of the camp t-shirts this year which will be available for $10 each.
Please prayerfully consider whether the Lord will use YOU to help fill in the funding gap.
Eligibility: Weeks 1-6 of summer camp is for children currently in second (2nd) through
seventh (7th) grade right NOW (Spring 2024). Teen Week is for grades 8-10 who are NOT interested in doing the FIT program (FIT is designed to train future camp counselors).
2024’s Camp Theme is “Love”. Activities at camp will include Bible class, kickball, volleyball, crafts, pottery, games, chapel, singing, skits, Bible story time, swimming, canoeing, kayaking, paddle boarding, fishing, & more. Every week has a certified lifeguard and a nurse on staff.
We are excited to see you this summer. Please pray for our staff as we make preparations for your children. Our goal and prayer is for their time at camp to be fun, safe, and profitable!
Ryan & Kelsey Hunt, and the LWBC Staff
Camper & Teen Week registration enrollment becomes active at 7:00 a.m. CST, March 1st 2024
Please take a moment before registration opens, to sign into or create your account and ensure your password works.
Registration Procedure
Returning families: You must use the email address that is listed in your parent record. If you don’t know your password, click the ‘Reset password’ button at the lower left corner. Which will send you a reset email.
Do not use the ‘New User Sign-Up’ if someone in your family has attended LWBC before.
Email registration@lwbcmn.org if you have difficulties with your existing account.
Choice of Weeks: is on a “first-come-first-serve” basis. Anyone with the link can register. When space fills up, register on the waitlist of any week you are available to attend. If spaces open up, we move children from the waitlist to the registered list according to the order they registered. If your schedule limits you to a particular week, then make sure you register as soon as you can!
Please don’t ask us to hold a spot without registering. Register as soon as it is available!
Separate Registration is required for each child attending. Our system will allow you to register all your children at the same time, but they will still need their own camper form and medical form filled out online.
Available Slots: If you would like to register a group of kids for the same week, there are graphics on the registration choices page displaying which weeks are filling up. If your preferred week is already full, you can see which alternate weeks have more space.
Bunkmakes: It is difficult to group more than 2-3 friends together, so please help us by not linking chains of friends together.
If signing up with a bunkmate, make sure they register as soon as you do. Spaces can not be held open. Registration will close once the camp is full. Waitlist will be the only option once full.
Thank you for joining with us in this effort to help your children grow in the Lord. We thank God for every one of you, and hope you have a wonderful summer!
If you have questions, please contact us Registration@lwbcmn.org