29 March 2024

Dear FIT Crew Member,

We are excited to welcome you to the FIT (Faith-In-Training) Work Crew for LWBC Summer Camp 2024.

In the FIT program you will grow in your faith in Christ and be prepared for future service at LWBC.

While the FIT program helps support each week of camp, your schedule will be separate from campers and counselors. Each day will involve personal devotions, Bible studies, service projects, dish cleaning, fun group activities, and free time.

**FIT crew begins a day before camp—you must arrive 2pm Saturday**

FIT program details and a packing checklist are available at lwbcmn.org/FITcrew

We will be honored to  serve side by side with you at camp this year and we look forward to having you on the LWBC team!

Questions?  Not able to attend this summer? 
Email us at registration@lwbcmn.org

In Him,

The LWBC Senior Staff


Shortly before camp begins, you will receive an email connecting you to the FIT crew your week in case you need to coordinate your own carpooling with them.   

Ryan’s cell: 763-458-5922;

Kelsey’s cell: 763-442-5354;

[Texts are acceptable, but please identify yourself]

camp phone: 218-999-5433.