February 2024

Dear LWBC Camp Counselor,

We have seen incredible the ways God has provided for the building, provisions, and volunteers for LWBC over the past years. When resources or volunteers seemed limited, God showed up at just the right time. It has ignited excitement for the plans He has for camp ministry, but also filled us with awe for His great blessings in provision.

LWBC consists of volunteers united in purpose and passion to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to children in a nurturing environment so they can grow in their faith, make new friends, and experience the love of God.

There are seasons in life when it is easier to be a counselor and other times when responsibilities make it more challenging. But we know that joy and fulfillment comes from watching children grow and learn, and we are confident that this summer will be a time of growth and renewal for all of us.

We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with LWBC by counseling this summer. If you feel you can’t because: you have to pay for college, or won’t be able to get time off of work, or are just too busy. We encourage you to ask the Lord for guidance and provision. Many of us have been in similar situations, but saw the Lord provide for us and allowed us to still participate at camp.

Registration for counselors open at: https://lwbc.campbrainstaff.com
Counselors arrive on Saturday for orientation before campers’ arrival on Sunday each week.

Teen Week - June 8-14 [Grades 8-10 NOT in FIT]  Counselors over 18+ needed for teen week 

Summer Children’s Camp:

Week 1 - June 15-21
Week 2 - June 22-28
Week 3 - July 6-12
Week 4 - July 13-19
Week 5 - July 20-26
Week 6 - July 27 - August 2

The Spring Counselor Training Retreat is April 5-7th. Register at lwbc.campbrainregistration.com

We’d like to take a moment to thank you for your hard work and dedication to the LWBC community as a camp counselor. Your impact in the lives of our children is immeasurable, and we are grateful for YOUR contribution to camp. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing how God is going to use your gifts this year!

In Christ,

Your LWBC Camp Family
P.S. If you'd like to help make camp happen but can’t make it to a week this summer, please reach out, we’d love to hear from you and may still have other opportunities to serve.